Thursday, April 28, 2016

Personal Reflections on Fieldwork 2

The classroom we operated in had a very high ceiling. I'm talking ridiculously high. I first noticed this when i did observations in that classroom at the beginning of the year. Why on Earth is the ceiling so high? I thought. What scientific function does it serve? I decided to look for an answer. According to some one reason for high ceilings is to increase the amount of space one feels is there. This makes sense then, since the classroom is really kind of small, so maybe the ceiling was meant to make it feel less cramped. Another reason is listed is for ventilation or light. I doubt this is the reason, because if it it failed in that regard. The room was quite dark and not very well ventilated.Some days it was extremely hot while everywhere else was a pleasant temperature. The third reason could be that the building was just built that way. Given the strange decisions often made in life that would not surprise me.

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