Thursday, April 28, 2016

Explore and Engage Science

In class today we explored ways for teachers to keep up with scientific advances and discoveries about topics. Below is the work my partner and I did.

  1. Consider the area of Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and weather about which you feel most knowledgeable. What ideas do you have regarding what you will do as a teacher to keep your knowledge current?
  • Read the latest and use academic literature, stay subscribed to different newsletters (Newsela), Use trustworthy Youtube channels, and have students engage in current event projects based on current lessons and unit plans being taught.

  1. Consider the area of Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and weather about which you feel least knowledgeable. What ideas do you have regarding what you will do as a teacher to continue to strengthen your knowledge base about this topic?
  • Read the latest and use academic literature, stay subscribed to different newsletters (Newsela), Use trustworthy Youtube channels, and have students engage in current event projects based on current lessons and unit plans being taught.
  • Actively seek out research regarding the topic, buy books relating to the topic, rent documentaries relating to the topic, seek out professionals in the community to educate both yourself and your class.

  1. What resources are you aware of that will help you be an effective teacher of Earth’s surface, atmosphere, and weather?

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