Sunday, May 8, 2016

The End

The End
 Many days have passed,
The course is done,
And so this is the last.
It was a long run.
In the end though he lost,
He fought the course and the course beat him.
Taking it was not worth the cost.
Sadly, it looks quite grim.
The future grows darker still.
Another trial on the horizon,
To bring with it another thrill.
In the end he is quite wizen.
But take heart!
He still has one last chance before he falls apart.

(Oh and P.S.: Check these out.)

Science in the News

An new fossil is found,
The mighty triceratops is closely tied.
 And a new horned dinosaur is crowed,
With its horned that are very wide.
My interest was quite piqued,
 I was quite excited by dinosaurs in the past.
So when I saw it I kind of freaked.
The number of kids who feel the same was is vast.
They ask many questions.
The students clamor for knowledge.
So it would be good if I could provide them with suggestions.
After all, I am in college.
And so this article I do recommend.
So read it dear friends, and comprehend.