Sunday, May 8, 2016

The End

The End
 Many days have passed,
The course is done,
And so this is the last.
It was a long run.
In the end though he lost,
He fought the course and the course beat him.
Taking it was not worth the cost.
Sadly, it looks quite grim.
The future grows darker still.
Another trial on the horizon,
To bring with it another thrill.
In the end he is quite wizen.
But take heart!
He still has one last chance before he falls apart.

(Oh and P.S.: Check these out.)

Science in the News

An new fossil is found,
The mighty triceratops is closely tied.
 And a new horned dinosaur is crowed,
With its horned that are very wide.
My interest was quite piqued,
 I was quite excited by dinosaurs in the past.
So when I saw it I kind of freaked.
The number of kids who feel the same was is vast.
They ask many questions.
The students clamor for knowledge.
So it would be good if I could provide them with suggestions.
After all, I am in college.
And so this article I do recommend.
So read it dear friends, and comprehend.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Science Fair

So few can understand.
I supposed I should known by now.
After all, before this I have been banned,
My projects simply fail to wow,
With their minimalist approach.
Maybe I should figure out people's pains.
Perhaps my projects encroach,
On their brains. 
 Whatever the reason, one thing is sure,
These people like to think of my projects
As things done by some boor.
But my projects cover many subjects.
For their versatility is extreme,
But only I can see how they gleam.

Personal Reflections on Fieldwork 8

All in All
Overall I think it went well
I must now reflect,
For I hear the tolling of the bell.
I had many papers to collect,
Assessment is important after all.
Students must know how they did,
Otherwise it could be their downfall.
And so we graded each and every kid.
Our planning had been spot on
And the execution generally followed
And conclusions were drawn.
None of the students holloed.
So I say it was a success,
Even if did bring me much stress.

Personal Reflections on Fieldwork 7

Perhaps Not the Best
So began the third and final day
All our colleagues joined us,
When they had previously been away. 
All those people made quite the fuss.
The lesson was good in theory,
But human error brought it too its knees
It ended up being somewhat dreary.
We all did our best to appease
The students and their groups,
And in the end I think it took.
Though I did often say, "Whoops!"
But other parts went by the book.
And so ended our work,
And on my face, was despite it all, a smirk.

Personal Reflections on Fieldwork 6

The Second Day
Once again we set out.
The first day had gone so well,
that our minds were not filled with doubt.
And so we went and began to tell,
The students about the creatures,
Their names, habits, and diets,
We described all their features.
We worried that there would be riots,
When they came to fetch the fish.
But they were an orderly bunch,
It was like we had made a wish.
Although I had a hunch,
That all would turn out all right.
My spirit was quite bright.

Personal Reflections on Fieldwork 5

Model Ponds
The first day begins,
And not a colleague in sight.
Just talk of fish and their fins.
 And so I set out with all my might,
For this is a day I can not screw up.
We start off quite well,
Which is good because we have no backup.
Overall i think it went quite swell. 
The model ponds were completed,
Without too much fuss from the kids.
Many felt that they competed,
Even when writing out the rules and what they forbid.
The ponds glimmered on the on the desks,
We would have to wait until latter to add the grotesque.